Date:2023-10-181, the dormitory floor is clean, no spittoons, fruit skins, paper scraps and other garbage. The wall is clean and free of random Posting, cobwebs, etc. The glass in the dormitory is clean and stainless. 2, the bed in addition to the quilt can not be placed other items, quilt style should be unified
Date:2023-10-181、在小区大门20米可目视范围内出现的垃圾或漂浮物,滞留时间标准:保洁员须在5分钟内清理。 2、在公共区域活动场所及道路两侧以及红线以内的商铺外围出现的垃圾或漂浮物,滞留时间标准:保洁员须在1小时内清理。